독일 국경 박물관 관련 아리랑TV 방송프로그램

독일 국경 박물관 관련 아리랑TV 방송프로그램

아리랑 TV의 독일 국경 박물관에 관한 방송 (홍종화 대본)

How was death of division parallel 1,393 Km, which cross East and West Germany, covered with landmine, barbed-wire fence, and watchtower created to the Grünes Band? In Modlareuth was diveded in between a small brook, through boundary line, which has kept its original forms, and episode on division and unification from the Eckhart, activist, who took part in Mondays meeting, we sheds new lights on consevation value on border as one of a historical sites. We also visit BUND, environmental organization, which led Grünes Band, and hear motive, process and meaning, and joint reasearch episode on East/West Germany led by Dr. Kai Forbel, ornithologists, and also hear from Dr. Liana Geidezis, director of bureau on support from government and local government administration, issue of green securities and its response, and motive to expand it to the Euro GrüneBands. Visiting Point Alpha border museum, we see key to a success of Grünes Band project through historical remains such as mine dispenser map, a grief of east germans, and mitwitz environmental education center program which keeps borders’ nature through enviornmental education, ecology management through raching at Vogtland in Sachsen as an exemaplary case, further Baltic Nature Park which has achived huge habitat of spruce by making use of local residents services. Through Rhön,ecological village, and success of tourist industry and ecological egriculture in Schaalsee designated as UNESCO biosphere reserve, we present direction on how we can preserve transboundary area as humand and the nature co-exist. With a start of sucess in Germany, Grünes Band project has spreaded over Europe. Through it, we find vision from experts ecological preservation and on peace which 60-year-division country, Korea, dream about.

2019-01-26 10:23
기록물ID:UNI_VD2_2019_독일 국경 박물관(Grünes Band) 관련 아리랑TV 방송프로그램
내용요약:독일 국경 박물관(Grünes Band) 관련 아리랑TV 방송프로그램 영상클립
규모와범위:영상길이 54분44초

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